I did a little bit more over the summer, but revisited it properly about 2 weeks ago, added some more on and now it looks like this - all ready to be stitched onto a backing, then quilted and made into a gorgeous cushion.
Way back in July I went to the Fat Quarter Retreat in London. Fab time. Should have been a blog review but probably a bit late now...
One of the classes I did was an EPP class with Katy from I'maGingerMonkey. We only had about an hour and a half to start the pattern and most of it came home with me to sit quietly in the neglected projects box. But after finishing my Starflowers I had a bit of an urge to do more, so out came Triangle City and a few days later I have this:
It doesn't quite meet up at all the points. I had to unpick loads where I'd printed the templates out at only 90% of actual size (doh!), and it was tricky in places to piece, but I do really like it and I'm looking forward to it becoming a cushion too!
Both now much less of a WIP than they were but still those next stages to do.